Title: A Different Perspective Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean/Cas Rating: Teen Contents: hurt/comfort, protective Cas, protective Dean, a little angst Word count: 758
Summary: Sometimes curses can be a blessing in disguise.
Title: Switch Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: none Warnings: none Rating: suitable for all Author's note: written for a prompt over at Supernatural Prompts. Word count: 774
Summary: All curses are a pain in the ass. Sometimes, though, they can come in handy.
Title: Patience, Pt 2 Fandom: SPN Word count: 833 Pairing: Dean/Cas Rating: NC17 for slash and potential squick Disclaimer: SPN not mine. A/note: sequel/follow up to Patience. This will probably make more sense if you read that first so you know what happened to Castiel.